
Explore the World of Metaphysic for you by

Bazi Analysis

Based on the Tian Gan (天干) and Di Zhi (地支) to accurately record the year (年), month (月), day (日) and time (時), your life and fortune are represented by the four pillars (四柱) and we use this for diagnostics.

Naming Formation

Calculate the weighting of Five Elements (五行) from your Bazi and suggest naming formation which match your favour.


Based on Bazi information to suggest a better path for customer.


Provide courses for people who interested in Bazi Analysis and Naming Formation.


Build up Apps for people to do Bazi Analysis and Naming Calculation.


Bazi Analysis

Analyze Bazi information to find a better path.

Naming Formation

Based on Bazi information to calculate a suitable name.

Feng Shui

Based on Bazi information and discover the relationship between people and environment.

King Wen Trigrmas

By this Ancient Chinese Fortune Telling techique to find out the situation of any questions.

Zi Wei Analysis

By this Ancient Chinese Astronomy to find your path and destiny.

Face Reading

Analyze people's thinking by reading their face, as an advantage for meeting customer, dealing with colleges and even your bosses.

Bazi Course Pricing

Beginner Level
(total 12 classes)

$980 per 4 classes

Immediate Level
(total 12 classes)

$1,180 per 4 classes

Advanced Level
(total 12 classes)

$1,380 per 4 classes